Friday, June 11, 2010

Damned Small Towns!

Back in the day, one could drive to the nearest big city to catch the latest rap acts in touring shows such as The Swatch Fresh Fest.
Being that most groups only had one or two albums - there was often a need for many groups to be packaged together to fill out a concert's worth of material.

Sure, smaller towns and metropolitan areas have their charms - but prime entertainment isn't usually one of them.
So when I read that Slick Rick, The Wu, BDP, and others were touring and performing their classic albums - I knew that this was the one concert I'd have to attend this year.
But after looking up the sites of the shows (Two on the West Coast; L.A. & San Fran., and two on the East Coast: New York and D.C.), I began to rue the day I ever left the media rich suburbs of Los Angeles.

Damned small towns...


  1. Yep, sounds like a good show. I wonder if there are any women on the show? I'd love to see MC Lyte.

  2. Best show I ever saw was in a makeshift stage in SLC... Talib Queli, Common, Roots, and Erykah Badu.

    Man I loved that show.

  3. Speaking of big name musical acts coming to small cities or towns,Pittsburgh does not get a lot of big name acts to speak of,so I feel your pain.

  4. Look at brohammas going "Street Cred" with those groups instead of the more commercial Weezy or Hova.

    @ Val - You're far too young to know about Lyte.

    @ Big - Really? Do they all do Philly instead?

  5. Yup John Pittsburgh is not a market a lot of acts stop often.
    Even Morgantown,WV. home of the states flagship school gets more play,which is about 80 miles south of here.
