Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Woman ?

Renee' Richards - Born A Man
Polish athlete Ewa Klobukowski - Born with ambiguous genitalia.
In the 1938 Olympic games, Dora Ratien was deemed to be A Man.

Because of her all around athletic ability and her dominance in track & field, many thought Babe Didrikson was also a man.

Now it's Caster Semenya's turn.
Admittedly - I often questioned the gender of some Eastern Block athletes -
But since the International Olympic Committee has already ruled on the eligibility of athletes of questionable gender;
is it really a moot point?


  1. I laugh at this issue of testing if she is a man. I think people don't see alot of female track athletes I mean black female athletes. Alot of them put on muscle genetically different from a lot of other women.

    They'd better get ready for the Yao Ming Chinese women coming to the Olympics. They grow them big over there too!

  2. This could be more of a race issue if it werent for a history of um... "people" cheating in this way. Back in the day two Eastern Euro women broke weightlifting records only to find out later they were men. It happens, hence suspicion.

  3. I vote she's a woman. Manly looking, but still a woman.
    Are you guys seeing a bulge in them shorts? I'm not, and I'm looking...real hard.

  4. @ FreeMan - Yeah... they were saying that Venus and Serena were manly too.
    (Until they learned to shave under their arms and wear dresses and heels.)

    @ brohammas - A lot of people viewed it as a race issue until the history of the "women" was learned.

    @ KST - She does look like Kobe's little brother - but I'd imagine that she is a woman.
    Marion Jones was cut too - only prettier.
    I think if she was ripped but looked like Halle Berry - there would be no question.

    Those Eastern Block women were pretty scary. Maybe the 'roids led to the male-positive results on the tests.

  5. the bulge in the shorts of roid-beasted female body builders is absolutely mesmerizing...,

  6. ^Ah...CNu. Hmm, at least you didn't suggest shooting someone with hot pee.

    @UBJ: Kobe's little brother. Cold man, real cold. ; )

  7. a moot point. note mute.

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