Monday, August 17, 2009

Pinche Mayate

Someone just called you a "June bug". (Well... really - they just called you nigga' but with an "er".)

But if you live up North with a bunch of Italians - The conversation may sound more like Christopher Walken's soliloquy in True Romance.


  1. Hey, I felt at home when I found Palangi.
    During warm ups with a rugby team I played on, some Afrikaner said something none of us understood as we jogged past a little leauge football team. I didn't know the sentence, but I knew that one word.
    When we lined up for stretches (I had to wait...he was fast) I grabbed him by the collar and told him this was his one warning and if I heard that word again I would tear his face off.
    I'm really not that scary of a guy but I think he was so shocked that someone stood up to him that he almost wet his pants. He groveld an apology and kept his mouth shut the rest of the year.

    This has pretty much been a theme in my interractions with Afrikaaners.

  2. I grew up with the Mexican cats calling people cockroaches. The problem was most of us knew what it meant so we heard it sparingly.

    That list is pretty extensive I guess I should print it out and commit some of them to memory as some I haven't heard at all. I think I should send it to E40 and tell him to add a couple more!


  4. The thing is; there are terms for any race, ethnic group or nationality.

    If a Mexican could find the nerve to call me a "June Bug" - I could call them a "mojado".
    When they knew that I understood a little Spanglish, they would usually leave it alone.

    But yeah... that list is pretty extensive.

    @ brohammas - Is this what is meant by the illusion of "White Privilege"?
    That one's superiority is universal regardless of location?
