Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I guess Hitler's superstitions lead him to believe that in conquering Finland - He would be "Finnished".

But at other times, the thought of Neuropa was just too appealing.
The Project for a New American Century sought to re-draw the Middle East in this way.

A purported Illuminati map shows a different world.

And the world under the Ten Kingdoms of the Anti-Christ seems the most plausible.
Supposed Illuminatical works (Written by Ku Klux Klan founder, Illuminati member and Freemason - Albert Pike.) even give directions on how to accomplish such a New World Order.
"...The first World War should enable the Illuminati to seize power from the tsars and transform this country with strength of communist atheism.
The differences between the British and German empires, and also the struggles between the Germanic and Slavic nations, instigated by the Illuminati, should be used to incite this war.
Once finished, communism should be nurtured and used to destroy other governments and make religions weak..."
"...The Second World War should be incited by political discrepancies between fascists and Zionists.
The fight should begin to destroy Nazism and give way to political Zionism to facilitate the establishment of the sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
During the Second World War a Communist League strong enough to equal the whole of Christianity should be constructed. From then on it should be kept and supported until needed the day social cataclysm arrives..."
"...The Third World War should be incited taking advantage of the seed planted by the Illuminati agents to provoke differences between political Zionism and the leaders of the Muslim world. The war should be channelled in a way that Islam and Zionism destroy each other and that other nations will involve themselves too to the extent that they become physically, mentally, spiritually and economically exhausted..."

Sure... all this sounds conspiratorial - but most groups seeking to better Man in a way that differed from the establishment started out this way.
Didn't Christians once have to meet in secret?
But didn't Christ himself warn against secret groups and organizations?


  1. Doesn't everyone have a secret group? Anyone planning to take over the world usually does it in secret.

    The Illumanti prophecy looks pretty on point. Maybe they are doing more than being just a folktale.

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  4. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
