Saturday, August 22, 2009


Mark 6:5-6 "He could not do any miracles there... . And he was amazed at their lack of faith."

So if the Son of God was limited in his effectiveness in dealing with the salvation or destruction of Man - How much weaker would any organization created by Man be?
The Klan failed to eliminate Blacks from America.
The Crusaders failed to convert the Gentiles.
And the Illuminati (or any other NWO minded entity) will fail in their desire to subjugate mankind.

It would seem that a certain level of faith is required to give any organization it's power.
If we choose to ignore the imagined power of those who would subjugate others - would their power be diminished?
Is their power really only influence?
In any zero-sum game - the best way to win is not to play at all.


  1. You have finally come to my understanding of life. I have friends and family members who spend their whole life trying to size me up through games like chess. From a early age I just chose to opt out of any games altogether.

    If the game is influence and the people can't influence, if the game is determine the strength of an opponent, if the game is anything that requires the changing of minds the answer is always and simply not to play at all.

    The army cannot be built if no one volunteers. They cannot force anyone to do anything so instead they use human nature to create artificial strife and conflicts. The real battle is for the minds of the people.

  2. Yeah but when I tell people to ignore them and move forward then somehow I am wrong. Somehow I'm advocating anti-diversification or some other trumped up charge.

    If the battle is for the minds how can I be wrong by advocating to ignore another group?

  3. if the battle is for minds, the validity of ignoring a group hinges on what you want to do with those minds.

  4. Well the first step in establishing your own identity is to define who you are away from others. The goal is to create a system that caters to our own needs not those who claim to provide for all.

    If a person says they will pick you up but fails to do so time and time again. How long should we sit there hoping that he will? All I advocate is that we stop listening to lies.

  5. Well... there is a difference between making them come to you and dismissing them altogether.

    One practice uses their abilities to your best interests, the other may lead to the inability to benefit from previously established knowledge or skills.

  6. Well.... that would imply that the ones you ignore have anything of value in the first place.

    Choosing not to interact doesn't mean you don't pay attention.

  7. "...the ones you ignore..."
    Yep, you gotta' pick and choose.
    There is no sense in re-inventing the wheel.
