Saturday, August 22, 2009


Caster Semenya's situation has been blamed on;
race, aesthetics and a possible case of chimerism.
But facial hair on women is nothing new - just Google "Women's Facial Hair" and page after page shows up.
In fact - more than 10 percent of the women in Australia are said to suffer from the problem.
And as the image in the above ad shows - it's not just a Black, unattractive or athlete's issue.
White women (too) have been battling the problem for years.


  1. I'm shedding a silent tear for my sisters... not the figurative kind, my actual sisters. I'm part gorilla and its genetic... I have four sisters.

  2. I loves me some hairy wimmin. The hairier the better.

    Nothing is more appealing than a robust treasure trail from the navel down to the pearly gates - and all points thereabouts....,

  3. @ brohammas - Like Eddie Murphy's "Aunt Bunny"?

    @ SeeNew - Good thing you're in the South.
