Saturday, August 22, 2009

Stalker Sites

I'm sure everyone has a few skeletons in his closet - and with the advent of social networking sites, those skeletons have obtained a means to come out and play.

The upside of these sites is that they are a quick and easy way to keep in touch with old friends from far away.
This helps in keeping one's phone bills at a minimum and reduces the amount of time required to communicate (usually) mundane details of one's life.

The downside is that exes have obtained a means to continually ask the ultimate question of "Why".

I'm an okay looking guy with a (possibly) better than average lifestyle.
But I seem to be awfully lucky with the ladies.
(I say "lucky" because I have no game but somehow I end up with some nice hotties.)
But what I noticed from my experiences with these sites is that they offer a venue for women to reconnect in different ways.
Being that I would often go from girl to girl without regard for race - my ex list looks like a Benetton ad.
I also noticed a trend (based on my own experiences only and not meant as a generalization of all women from each group) of Black women using the networks as a forum to get even while non-Black women use the sites as a venue to get more.

Could it be because the Black women are still upset about being dumped for a non-Black woman,
while the non-Black women view being dumped for a Black woman as the norm?


  1. or maybe you simply have a tendency to make mean black girls your ex?

  2. LOL @ Brohammas I was thinking the same thing but I was trying to be respectful to UBJ post.

  3. Using Twitter as a weapon, who knew?

  4. I sometimes post the amount my dead beat ex is in arrears for child support. Oh, is that bad? Kidding... Um, sort of.

    UBJ - my ex list is THE ad for UCOB. I've found that this is a tad uncomfortable for black men. Go figure.
