Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cute, Beautiful or Hot ?

Halle Berry is often cited as the most beautiful woman in the world.
I might agree - but this observation changes with one's mood.
But what use is beauty?
Like a masterpiece painting - the only use for beauty is to view and own.
But most women would love to be viewed as "Beautiful" - without regard for the implications.

Stacey Dash, Melyssa Ford and any other woman on the cover of King Magazine would generally be described as "Hot".
Again, most women would love to be described as "Hot".
But what is the value of such a distinction?
Hot women are usually viewed as something to do (or use) until one grows tired of the sex.
When this happens, it's on to the next hot girl.

Cute women, like Sanaa Lathan, are generally viewed as the low woman on the totem pole of attractiveness.
But the instinctive value of being cute is one of being taken care of.
(Much in the same way that cute babies (or puppies, kittens, etc.) are generally cared for and nurtured by any more mature individual.)
Women like Sanaa benefit by being a nice combination of all of the traits listed above - thus ensuring their survival and propagation.
It's odd - the least desirable deception is the most profitable.
(And no, SeeNew - not a jungle of hair on any of them.)


  1. I see where you're going with this, but I wouldn't kick any of those women out of bed for eating crackers.

    My father used to always say that beauty was only skin deep, but ugly was clean to the bone; and that if you look at any woman long enough, you'll see something you like.

  2. Well most women want to be all three. They want you to desire them like you can't live without them, lust after them like they have ussy control and want you to respect them like they are your little sister.

    Most guys want a woman who only gives herself to him. If they give the perception that they are open to everyone through their dress then a man changes his mind and treats them according to what she gives off. So in the end cute and conservative wins because she at least gave the man the impression that what lies within is only his.

  3. Well most women want to be all three. They want you to desire them like you can't live without them, lust after them like they have ussy control and want you to respect them like they are your little sister.

    Most guys want a woman who only gives herself to him. If they give the perception that they are open to everyone through their dress then a man changes his mind and treats them according to what she gives off. So in the end cute and conservative wins because she at least gave the man the impression that what lies within is only his.

  4. Stacy Dash is like 100 years old and she still looks like that? Where is the Fountain of Youth???

  5. Oh...they're all foine...
    But Sanaa is the only one I'd want for marriage.
    The others would serve their purpose (to be a sperm recepticle).
