Saturday, August 22, 2009


White Women - Sure, I've been with more than have most white guys - but if we use the British woman as our starting point... yuck!.
Since most white people are often Anglophiles, this is the best starting point.
Since, at some point in time, Italians, Russians, Jews and those of Mediterranean descent were viewed as "other" - we'll go with the Brits as being our "White" model.

Among the problems with British women;

Pale Skin - Most would burn before they would get a really nice tan.
The lack of Vitamin D would add to their problems with calcium loss in their bones.
Who wants a hunched over woman with a broken hip?

Bad Teeth - Maybe this too is caused by the lack of calcium in one's bones.
But the simple answer is; C.R.E.S.T..

Terrible Bodies - Sure, I like big tiddies too - but I'd like some body to go with them.
Except for Mel B - which Spice Girl had a nice body?

Pie Faces - Unlike the strong jawlines and height of their Scandinavian cousins, the smoldering eyes and full lips and flowing hair of their Mediterranean cousins, or the cute noses of their Icelandic cousins (The Brits have either long dog noses or crushed pig noses) - British women lack any desirable features.

It would seem that the Anglos had to add a bit of "other" to their gene pool to compete with others with more desirable features.
The most overrated?
White women.


  1. Well the English example of women are a bit tough to hold as the ideal beauty.

  2. But aren't they usually the standard of what it is to be "White"?

  3. I think they use the English for the influence of their empire. I think they use Scandinavian Swiss blond hair tig ol bitties for their idea of beauty.

  4. aryan (I cringe at that word) not anglo.
    The only good looking thing out of England is bespoke.

  5. I can't believe you're gonna diss British singing sensation The Spice Girls like that.

  6. IMO - The whole concept of "White" seems to be more fluid than static.
    The perception seems to be more of a "Best Of" concept than anything even close to reality.

  7. The white girls in the Spice Girls weren't ugly. Maybe you should have used Russia?? Just Joking..

  8. Scandinavia (and not the East East Europeans and Russians) is the standard of white--in which Blonde hair and blue eyes is there in plentitude--also the Mediterrneans are seen as the exotic White and not other--therefore a White guy would never feel he has exhausted his supply of White women since he can say there is lots of diversity.

  9. @ Anon. - Yeah...Scandinavia or Iceland.
    But the model used was to illustrate that Anglophiles often use a "Best Of" approach when descibing "White" culture.
    I've even read recent stories about those from the Middle East being considered (by some) as being white because of the assumption that all advancements came from white culture.
