Friday, August 28, 2009

Like Asking A Barber If You Need A Haircut

We must be more stupid than we look.
Because we often ask those with the most to gain from our choices what those choices should be.
We listen to military men explain the value of warfare.
We listen to politicians explain the validity of their side of the story.
We listen to Big Oil explaining the scarcity of petroleum.
We listen to Big Pharma/HMOs/Big Insurance explaining the need to keep the health care system in it's generally failing state.
We listen to news sources telling us how bad things are only to ensure their ratings.
We listen to Wall Street explain how an electronic economy is better than a credit based economy, which was better than a cash based economy, which was better than a precious metals based economy, which was better than a work based economy.
IMO - The only thing these experts are expert in is ensuring their future pay checks.


  1. Dude, you are on these days. Whats up with that?
    I like this one.

  2. Ahhh the giant has awakened to the con! Like KRS-1 said "You were sent here to protect us but who protects us from you"

  3. KRS-1 Quotes...WOW! I love blogging.
    You've been on a tear lately....

  4. yeh I don't know why we ask people who have more to gain in our choices what those choices should be....really weird but I know I do it too!
