Thursday, August 27, 2009

We Tend Toward The Average

The only people who are really concerned with their looks are;
Ugly people,
People whose looks dictate their pay scale,
Or good looking people who've failed to develop a marketable skill.
For most others - looks are just a tool to quickly gauge one's threat level or one's (possible) reproductive level.

Good hair/bad hair, light skin/dark skin, tall/short, fat/thin, and so on...
The truth is, we tend toward the average.
Shakara Ledard is more often favoured over Alek Wek - not because she looks more white - but because she is seen as closer to the average between all races, nationalities or ethnicities.
(C'mon ladies, don't hate. Who would you prefer to look like? Honestly.)

I wonder if the same applies to Zhang Ziyi and Sonia Couling?
Sonia (Second photo) seems less Asian (more rounded eyes, tan, soft features) and more marketable in the West.
Is she more attractive?

Tilda Swinton has the green eyes, pale skin and thin lips generally associated with being "white" - yet Angelina Jolie's Asian eyes, full lips and tanned skin are viewed by many as the white ideal of beauty.

Salma Hayek is just baad.
Por que?
Is it because she is really close to the average of all groups?


  1. re la salma,

    NOT because she's close to the average of all groups...,

    but because she tops the mean for baaad in all groups.

    period. (^;

  2. nice post. thanks.

  3. Really interesting article, it also could be the fact that people who present typical features for their ethnicity / race have a smaller genepool than those of mixed race therefore they appear to us as less attractive and/or healthy. Also people obsessed with their looks - you forgot BDD sufferers.
