Friday, August 28, 2009


A few months ago, I was having pains in my lower abdominal area. At first, I though I had done too many crunches or that I lifted something with the wrong posture. But this was like no pain I had ever felt before. After a couple of days, I asked my doctor neighbor what the pain could be. He felt around and surmised that I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible and that he thought that I could need an appendectomy.

Whoa... hold them horses. I hate being cut on. I looked up information concerning the appendix on the Internet and discovered that most in the medical community had no idea what purpose the appendix held nor the causes of inflammation.

Immediately, I started a regimen of fruit juice, activated charcoal tablets and yogurt (with active yeast cultures) in an effort to stabilize my dietary system. I switched from the occasional (Well, since being in the South - more than occasional) high fat/high calorie diet (links, ribs, fried everything, smothered everything else) of my current locale back to the healthier diet of my Cali. days. A huge salad every morning for breakfast, a small portion of chicken or fish and fresh veggies for lunch, another huge salad for dinner, and fruit, nuts or yogurt for snacks.

After about two weeks, I was fine. But what if I had listened to the initial reaction from my neighbor (and subsequent advice from other nurse neighbors)? I would be without an appendix. Now there is a story saying that the appendix does have a use;

Maybe we each need to do our own research before taking the word of someone whose livelihood depends on us being ill.


  1. UBJ - Seems that you have the I don't trust the establishment disease and since the establishment owns the hospital that treats the diseases you might suffer.

    I'm probably similar to you when I feel pain I really think I went off track eating healthy. I actually stick to the Nation way of eating just once a day and letting your body rest but that is contrary to the 5 small meals a day people.

    Either way it's funny the appendix is deemed useless. You would think they would take the appendix for scientific study to see if it can help other areas. The funny thing is you can eat dirt too but people don't believe it.

  2. Well done John. The appendix is an extremely valuable organ and crucial part of our life sustaining symbiosis with our microbiomes.

    Because we seldom if ever actively use its functions, given modern sanitation and diet, it has ample opportunity to "act up", because it's the repository for "spare" biota and a major organ of the much more complex and sophisticated symbiotic immune system.

    FreeMan: people don't really eat "dirt", rather, there are lots of afro-cultures where clay eating is normative.

    With adequate hydration, dietary clays will clean out adhesions in the intestines.

  3. I haven't had my appendix taken out as well. I am usually paranoid when if i feel pain in the lower part of my abdomen because I don't want to be cut either. Didn't know the appendix had any value. Good to know.
