Monday, April 27, 2009

A Third Of Mankind ...

Revelation 9:20 "A third of mankind were killed by three plagues..."

Leviticus 20:22 (NIRU) "So you must be able to tell the difference between animals that are clean and those that are not."

James 16:2 "...yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service."

Before some people succeed in going all Hester Prynne on us and create a virus that delineates one group from another...

You may want to stock up on HEPA masks and filters.
Forget those little cloth ditties that were all the rage in Asia - these beauties can filter airborne particulates down to 0.3 microns.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS),

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA),

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease)

Avian (Bird) Flu (H5N1 Virus)
With the feared spread (intentional or accidental) of plagues (The current Swine Flu epidemic in Mexico being the latest example) - maybe it's time for us to go all Ultraviolet and prepare for what may be a foregone conclusion.

(And you think that "Race" is the biggest thing we have to worry about?)


  1. One outbreak could wipe out a significant portion of the U.S. and/or the world with the elderly, young and ill being the ones most likely to succumb first.

    Race? That won't matter at all.

  2. @ RunningMom - If uou want to have real nightmares, check out CNu's spot. They're having a great discussion over the past few days covering these (Manmade) plagues.

  3. Race will matter because you'll want to find out the race that is sitting in the labs creating this ish. Race will matter because after this is all said and done you'll think what kind of mfers are sitting there trying to create the end of the world. Race will matter because if all these mass destruction kind of weapons keep coming from the same group of people you'll think that maybe you'll want to do something about it.

    Now that everyone might die we shouldn't see race because the devilish ways of a few will kill us all? SHIT - Maybe just maybe you'll think why are we subjected to the mistakes of a few who seem to have a deathwish!

  4. @ FreeMan - To read a lot of the existing chatter online - one would think that being concerned with race is what caused this mess to begin with.

  5. wow, is it addictive!I was passing over the blogs, i found this one to be most suitable for me...thanks for the post,,,

  6. Heard on the new yestereday that there are now about 362 reported cases of swine flu worldwide. That really scared me.

  7. @ AALIJAH - Yep, sometimes too much so.

    @ Tairebabs - Why? This strain will probably be back even worse in the Fall/Winter Flu season.
    This is just a warm up.

  8. Because 362 is a large number given the publicity swine flu has received in terms of how dangerous it is and how it kills.
