Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fat Girls Don't Listen

Every year, I get a group of big girls who have fallen off of their New Years Resolution wagon and have decided to recommit to losing a bit of unwanted fat.
Every year most of these women don't take advice on eating habits and exercise.
Every year most of these women tell me that they'll try again next year.

I'm not Mr. Universe or anything.
It's just that these women see the results of their sons' conditioning regimines and decide that this must be the year to do something about their own conditions.

My biggest complaints?
I can't get them to understand that;
-Five or six small and well balanced meals a day is better than three large meals - or even worse, one meal.
-Just because something says "Diet" on the packaging doesn't mean that it's alright to have twenty of them in one sitting.
-Two weeks of working out can't get rid of a lifetime of bad eating habits and complacency.
-I'm helping them as a trainer - but I am NOT a genie.

Most of these women ask for advice on their kid's bad grades.
(They're terrible parents who focus on appearance instead of performance.)
They ask for advice on finances.
(Most of them waist more money on getting Polo, Jordans or iPhones for themselves and their kids instead of paying bills on time and establishing good credit ratings.)
They ask my advice on men.
(Most of them give it away to so many and so often that no man would value what they think they have too offer.)
Most of them can't keep jobs.
(They spend too much time worrying about everyone else's business instead of tending to their own. They show up late and leave early. And they're always on the phone. When I ask them if they would hire someone like themselves if they owned a business - most say "No". But they still think that it's their bosses' fault.)
They have bad attitudes.
(But they blame their lack of promotion on being Black.)
Their kids are unruly.
(The kids don't respect their mothers. If they don't respect someone at home, they won't respect people out in society.)

I'm just venting.
Everyone I know (here in this town) needs something from me every time they see me.
I don't mind helping people. In fact., I enjoy it.
It's just that I'm tired of people thinking that all of the stereotypes in the media are the standards to which to aspire.


  1. Ha! Isn't just the Fat Girls that don't listen! I know plenty of folks (fat/skinny, male/female) that fit all of the rest of your description. In other words - LAZY.

    They don't want to actually have to work for it. They just want you to do it for them. Fix it UBJ, Fix it!

  2. Oh I know... this is just the latest example I've had to deal with (The big girls wanting to lose weight with a pill).

  3. There's got to be a reason UBJ? There has to be a reason why things are not working out instead of looking at themselves. They want you to keep coming up with reasons that allows them never to bottom line theirselves. You must be one of the smoothest cats ever talking to people because you have been serving BS excuses to everyone you meet instead of saying hey push away from the buffet table. You're the man with all the answers and since you spare the truth because you know they won't do it anyway they love to talk to the guy who keeps allowing them to fail and comeback.

  4. @ Freeman - I'm really just trying to figure out what it is that motivates people.
    I'm pretty patient... until I'm not.
    I just can't figure out how so many people have all that is needed to do well, but they continue to fail.
    The South would seem to be the best place to have Blacks excell - but this theory doesn't bare out.
    I'm not sure if it's just low standars or just ignorance.

  5. How about low standards lead to ignorance. My brother is in Houston and he thinks the curriculum in the South is cranking out nothing but High School dropouts. My nephew down there is actually getting supplemental education because my brother is so worried about it.

    Hunger, Shelter, and Fame backed by money motivates. Tell them that they are going to get 100K if they lose 100 pounds on a show you are trying out for called beached whale trainers.

  6. @ FreeMan - Yep, the lower expectations are the cause of their lower realizations.
    The weight loss was just the latest example of; even when some get the needed information - their lower expectations are what hinder their progress (in all aspects of their lives).

  7. No...Just no!

    Best way to lose weight is to have an active lifestyle and eat according to activity levels. Obese is NOT a good look, neither is the skeletal look. A fine balance is needed!

    PS: Even if a weight loss pill (there are natural/herbal ones available) were to be used to lose weight, there still needs to be some activity (walking, dancing, running) to stimulate the body to lose weight and tone up.

  8. Soooo tired about blacks crying about being black,not we got the fatso's crying about being fat.I got the plan feed the blacks to the fatties,they'll die soon and whole problem is solved!!!!
