Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lois ?

Mr NoFace said; (In response to "brohammas' Heffernan Theory")
"...I still find it hard to suspend my disbelief and accept that someone like Lois would ever marry someone like Peter."
As a kid, I used to think that Blondie was way too hot for Dagwood - so I kinda' get what he's sayin'.
Francine Smith from American Dad kinda' has a Chelsea Clinton thing goin'.
But She's not sexy.I read a lot of opinions thinking that Lois was in fact sexy. Maybe it's the slutty thing (She did almost sleep with a dog.).

Leela from Futurama has that cheap one eyed Peg Bundy thing working for her.

If Sarah Palin is your cup of tea - you may find King of the Hill's (forgot her name) sexy.



  1. all this and you forget Jessica Rabbit?

  2. Yeah, but Jessica was intended to be sexy - these are supposed to be just moms.
