Tuesday, March 17, 2009


While this Verizon Hub ( http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10149009-94.html ) is nice, it still requires additional purchases.
What I'm asking for is a cheaper way to text (for those times when one doesn't feel the need for a lengthy conversation).
In a bad economy, people want more value for their money - not expensive gadgets.
Simpler is better.

A phone that uses a land line still works during power outages and is already hooked up to 911 services.
This comes in handy after a tornado, earthquake or hurricane.

IMO - The phone companies are throwing too many options at a simple product.


  1. See, now you're sounding old but I agree. My brother told me I should pay my bills online and I am still against that because I like the float and I don't mind a stamp.

    The phone has so much crap just look at a Iphone! That is the definition of a waste of time and people love them like it's really doing something. I guess I'm all business so I stick to the BlackBerry.

    The game has shifted from signing you up and using up your minutes to now being trendy and letting you have faster download speeds of BS. People know it's BS but now it's just hard wired into modern life.

  2. This is just plain silly... but it will sell though....

  3. @ Freeman - I am old! (44)
    But my only problem with these gadgets is that they are trying to just throw everything they know into one product.

    WalMart is doing HUGE business by keeping it simple.
    Sometimes, simple is what's really needed.

    @ Ojo - It'll sell a few models.
    But the smart thing would be to create an affordable (to everyone) product that becomes the new standard.
    Times are tough for many people. A lot of kids are going to be shocked when they have to give up an iPhone for a small Motorolla in order for their familly to keep their house.
