Thursday, March 19, 2009


Any Josheph Campbell book - Breaks down the similarities of religions and mythologies from many cultures.
"The Tao Of Pooh "- Puts it all in a cute little package.

Julian Jaynes' " The Origin Of Consciousness In The Break Down Of The Bicameral Man" - Shatters everything you thought you knew.
SeeNew recommended this book for some "light reading". I've just glanced at the introduction - and already, I have a headache.


  1. Probably best consumed after the daily morning jolt(s) of caffeine. Jaynes makes his case right up front in terms that anyone can introspectively relate to - with the remainder of the book dedicated to compiling and presenting evidence from an archaeological perspective.

    Once fueled up on Jaynes, you'll be ready and raring to get into noologie...,

  2. I really enjoy learning about how almost everything religious ties back to something else. And completely admire those who have taken the time to do the research. I'm going to have to put these on my reading "to do" list... Although... if it gives you a headache, I might be in real trouble.. lol

  3. @ cnu - I had always thought that I was the only person to suspect many of the ideas in the book. Since the concepts made little sense, I'd assumed that I was wrong.
    The book will probably take a while for me to read.
    Whenever I read new material, I do so with a scetch book beside me (in order to draw a picture to better interpret the example of each concept).

    @ RunningMom - You give me too much credit.
    I USED to be "smart" - but then I got bored.
