Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wanna' Buy A Gun ?

What smart men these weapons dealers are.
When there is a shrinking market or where a market doesn't exist - they create a market.
Want a gun that can shoot around corners?
Check out;{3E31AB82-2BB0-1107-92D3-0080AD76B634}
According to the New America Foundation - US-made weapons have been used in 20 of the worlds last 27 major wars.
Since 9/11, the dollar amount spent by foreign governments for these weapons has grown by almost 250%.

It seems that many in Corporate-America were smart enough to invest in an industry that is not only recession-proof - but that may well be recession-induced.
With Pakistan being the largest buyer of our weapons - the smart money would seem to be on some sort of Pakistan/Iran war over the next few years.


  1. So what your saying is that there is a benefit to the US being at war with everyone?

  2. War, the art of war, the act of war and the support of war will always carry an expense.

  3. sorry, but this gun is not accurate, safe when under fire, but not accurate one bit. Plus if the monitor houseing is lousy, too much time trying to get a fix position, if the cs laser guide is hit or damaged the gun is useless. good gadget like I say for corner and safety, but a lousy weapon. remember at war someone is always shooting back. nice post

    I Bullet am sorry

  4. I agree, it looks like you'd have to spend a lot of time fooling around with it before shooting. So, it would be useless at war, but unfortunately, it would be great for criminals on the street to use on unsuspecting citizens.

  5. AS I child I learned to never go get my Mother a never ends well. I may be employed in her service while doing it but somehow, I always found myself at the losing end of the transaction.
