Monday, January 5, 2009

Video Game Morals?

Video Game Vixens aside - some of these games deal with some pretty weighty issues.

During a recent stop at the home of one of my cousins - I watched the little movie parts that come between the fight sequences.
Hitman - Drive (ride, walk or run) around and kill people.
GTA - About the same.
Madden - Run, throw and catch.

On an older game called Death By Degrees - the premise was to stop some mad scientist before he could heat the Earth's icy floors to the point of releasing the CO2 or NO2 that is trapped in the world's ice at the bottom of our oceans.
The thing is; these gasses actually exist.

Resident Evil deals with genetic engineering gone wrong.

One of the Final Fantasy games deals with people forgoing their racial differences in defeating an entity called Sin and the hypocritical religious dogma.

One of my friends bought a game system for me, back in the day (in an effort to get me to stop gambling so much - it didn't stop me). But these new games are incredible.
One of my adult neighbors calls himself a "gamer" much in the same way that other people may call themselves athletes, artists or any other title.
Damn... who knew that playing on a PS3 or xbox360 could take the place of actually doing something.


  1. LOL@it not stopping you from gambling.

    I used to be a "gamer" myself some years ago. There was once a time when I had to have all the latest games and game systems as they came out. After the 1st XBOX, I called it quits. The funny thing is, it kept me in the house and out of trouble.

    And then I discovered the pc...


  2. Video Games are big business now. They have even increased the numbers of females playing. I use to play Grand Theft Auto Vice City but it started making me dizzy. Maybe it was God telling me it was time to turn it off and go read a book. Who knows...

  3. Freecell is good. Whether you win or lose depends purely on *intelligence*...

  4. My brother is a certified "getting fatter by the month" gamer with all the tools a true gamer playa needs.

    The good news is he only allows his 9-year old two hours on the weekend, and then only children's games.

    Me, not so much. Give me good old Mahjong and I'm happy.
