Friday, January 2, 2009

If I Did It Three Times, Does That Make Me A Ho?

Okay... I don't know everything.
Some would say that I don't know anything.

But the whole point of the Internet is the free exchange of ideas and information.
While I still couldn't vote for gay marriage - I have a better understanding of other's views.
While I still think that "White-Guilt" is useless - I can understand the efforts some make in gaining a better understanding of us.
While I still don't think that Michelle Obama is pretty - I can see how some might say that she is attractive.
While I still think that our country is best served in being a Christian nation - I can see the danger of the oppressors using this religion as a means to subjugate many.
While I still think that illegal immigration is ILLEGAL - I can see how agreements (such as the Gadsden treaty) ensure the right of inhabitants to maintain their culture, language and religion.
While I still think that we CAN have a positive influence on our environment - I'm not sure of
the best way to go about it.
While I still think that we are given all of the answers and tools to solve all of our problems - I'm still not sure what those answers are.
While I still think that the problem of poverty is unsolvable - I still believe that it is something we need to try to solve.
While I am still in a constant state of learning - I realize that so are ALL of us.

But this Internet thing is different.
If we live in an area that is stuck in the past or conversely, that is moving too fast - we miss the opportunity in our day-to-day lives to interact with people who can view our same problems with a fresh perspective.
So in getting my third web-award for doing the deed while being unprotected and open - I gotta' spread it to others.
Nah.. not like those times when I had to go to the clinic for a shot - but in a good way.
More like paying it forward.

These bloggers help me understand issues with which I may have trouble understanding.

Sagacious Rambling
It was a toss-up between this spot and her Admissible Banter. Sagacious stays more current than The National Enquirer.

Invisible Black Woman
Nah... not just Black movies - but from a Black perspective.

Pages From My Notebook
Dalyn seems like a man searching for a greater understanding of cultures other than his own. Check out his links to his ethnic art. (Go Utes!)

The Assault On Black Folks Sanity
My first web argument was with TAOBFS over the evolution of Blacks.

Slant Eye For The Round Eye
Think we have it bad? Even when some other cultures excel - they're still marginalized.

Derrick's Window
I hate when EVERYTHING Black people have to say is about being Black. Just Like I hate when everything someone gay has to say has to be about being gay. Derrick speaks on many issues.

BlackShoes WhiteSocks
From (almost) soft porn posts to politics and social issues.

Raw Dawg Buffalo
RDB has more awards than he can fit on a blog.
("Baroque Period" still cracks me up)

The Intersection Of Madness And Reality
Rippa is comedy...
Sometimes I can't even comment on his posts - I just shake my head and say; "Damn...".

I still say that most Blacks are conservative - they're just not Republican. It's funny to read the back-and-forth between the FOC and FON. The smart counterpoint to subrealism.

So thank you to all who help me to learn.
Thank you to SjP ( )for this award.

Everyone should check out the rules to the award and do accordingly.

(FOC - Friends Of Cobb)
(FON - Friends Of Nulan)


  1. honor to all the recipients first and for, u all i can say u seem like me, knowing is good, but reasoning and thinking is better - u have it down
    have a blessed new year

  2. What a wonderful post! This "internet thing" has certainly opened my eyes and made me dig deep. I've certainly learned a lot and "met" some real good folks out here in the sphere.

    Much obliged for displaying the Emblem and passing it on to those you've found deserving!

  3. First happy belated New Years and thanks for the messages about my Granny.

    Secondly a very heart CONGRATULATIONS on your 3 webawards. I very much look forward to checking the UglyBlackJohn page and have missed it the last few weeks.

  4. Thanks for the pub. These types of compliments mean a big deal to me.

  5. Oh wow!

    Thanks for puttin me out there like a $2 crack ho at 5am when the money's gone bruh.


    I welcome your interaction as I do others. Like you said: we can all learn from each other. Most importantly, we stand to learn about ourselves the most.

    Much love to you.

  6. Thank you so very much UBJ; I've been as lax on reading others' blogs as I have with keeping up with my own, so I didn't even see this till last night.

    It is very flattering to have someone with a mind like yours enjoy my blog...and I am so very glad you do :-)

    Will post this info on my blog this week...
