Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is Isreal Talking Too Much Ish?

I'm a Christian...
Maybe even a Zionist.
But I have to ask;
Is Israel talking too much Ish?

When I was in high school, I had a younger brother who would always talk ish to people and then run.
It seemed that every other day, someone would approach me to address this issue.
I told my brother that I would always have his back,
but that he needed to stop starting problems which he couldn't solve.
One day, I happened upon my brother as he was about to be beaten by a group of guys. As my clique and I approached, the guys took a step back and explained what happened.
"Beat his ass", I replied.

And turned and walked away.
"Brutal", my friend Sazaki said.
"But fair", stated my friend Daggy.

He told his father (my step-father) that I had failed to get his back against a group of guys. I explained that my brother had to learn to survive without me. My step-dad begrudgingly agreed and left it at that.

The next day, I saw the same group about to jump my brother.
This time I said "Nope".
I stated that if he continued to eff-up, they could do what needed to be done.
But that they couldn't just jump him at will.
Problem solved.
So if I question the Israeli government's motives behind the recent attacks on the Gaza strip -
Am I anti-Semitic?
What is a Semite?
One source states that both Palestinians and Jews are Semites.
while another says that the Palestinians are from the sons of Japheth

Is this fight really just a family squabble where anyone who gets involved trying to find peace will be turned on by both parties involved in the fight?


  1. I haven't done any reseach whatsoever about why these folks are fighting. I assume land, religion, and power (the usual suspects.)

    Off to do more research....

  2. Like RunningMom I haven't researched this last skirmish going on but isn't this in retaliation for attacks on border Israeli compounds?

    I don't think Little Brother is talking too much ish, Israel is just sticking to its guns (no pun intended).

  3. nope, you're just doing the right thing. speaking truth to power is often met negatively by hypocrites. and to me, thats what religion does once combined with politics.
