Friday, January 2, 2009

Do We Need A Playoff ?

Tell me again that the Pac-10 is over-rated?

Holiday Bowl
*No.15 Oregon 42
No.13 Oklahoma St. 31

Sun Bowl
*No.24 Oregon St. 3
No.18 Pittsburgh 0

Las Vegas Bowl
*Arizona 31
No. 16 BYU 21

Emerald Bowl
*Cal. 24
Miami (Fla.) 17

Rose Bowl
*No.5 USC 38
No.6 Penn St. 24

That's right, the "over-rated" and "weak" Pac-10 went 5-0 in the recent bowl season, defeating traditional powers from those "superior" conferences.
(Please... don't bring up Vince Young and Texas from three or four years ago. USC is Tyson - Texas is Buster Douglas. The 'Horns got in a lucky shot - that's all.)


  1. No one will ever respect the Pac-10 they don't even make it to national TV unless it's SC. So while I think we can give the SEC a run for their money you have to blame it on the Pac-10 scheduler because it's obvious we should be playing the SEC every year with every team playing one game in that division. Once we put a whooping on them then I think USC losing one game will move them up in the BS I mean the BCS.

  2. Yes, we need a playoff! PAC 10 was not overrated this year. No one gave them respect and that's what they deserved (except for SC). These bowl results don't mean that much. All these teams are mediocre. This is just a case of bad teams beating bad teams. Conversely, you could look at the PAC 10 non-conference record at the start of the season. I think just about everybody lost their non-conference games of note, except SC. The Oregon v OK St. game deserves a little respect; Pitt, bad team, overrated at 18; BYU, down this year, should have lost to winless U of Washington but the refs stole the game; Miami, another bad team, don't get caught up on the name and past success. PAC 10 should be significantly improved next year, but this year they did suck. These bowl wins are just an indication that a lot of conferences also had bad teams.

  3. @ FreeMan - UCLA gets beaten every time by the SEC. The rest of the conference is so-so outside of the Pac-10. USC DOMINATED Ohio St.
    I just would have liked to see USC/Florida for the title.

    @ DPizz - Damn... from a guy who grew up near USC (FreeMan) to a guy who went to USC (you - yeah... and graduate school at UCLA, but it's football today not b-ball) - how did I know that only UCS would get props?
    But those were early season losses by the rest of the conference. Once many teams saw that they could compete with the number 2 team in the nation (USC) they were motivated to do well weekly (as opposed to weakly).

  4. Didn't UCLA beat Tennessee this year? And SC spanked Auburn 2 straight yrs with Leinhert. I think Cal typically plays an SEC squad every other year or so. Look, normally I think the PAC 10 is fairly competitive, but this year they were down. They were a weak conference. These end of year bowl wins only highlight the mediocrity of the teams they played. Freeman has a point about the TV time and 2/3 of the nation never really seeing PAC 10 teams. In general, I don't really think the PAC 10 gets disrespected. I have always thought the conference was so solid, that teams tend to knock each other off; thus, making it difficult for them to maintain their rankings against undefeated teams in other conferences. This year, however, the PAC 10 was WEAK!

  5. Maybe.
    But all I hear out here is that REAL footbal is only played in the South. It's that whole "Friday Night Lights" mentality. The diference is that in Cali., there is more to do than sit at home and wait for a HIGH SCHOOL football game.
    "USC is over-rated". Man...they should make a bumper sticker for these red-neck's trucks that says this. The Cali-bashing is huge out here.
    USC played one of the VA schools and won, Ohio St. and won, and always Notre Dame and won. It's not their fault that UVA. or WVa (or whoever) were weak this year. That that midget fron Ore St. ran all over them was their fault. I had to hear about that and VINCE YOUNG all day.

  6. Enough of this figure skating style judges voting on who is best...lets play the game and let the winner take the prize.

    Go UTES!!!
