Saturday, August 26, 2017

Only the Best *

Highest Paid Actors 
1 Matt Damon
2 Tom Cruise
3 Johnny Depp
4 Jennifer Lawrence
5 Ben Affleck
6 Melissa McCarthy
7 Robert Downey Jr
8 Brad Pitt
9 Leonardo DiCaprio
10 Chris Pratt
(* 1 Dwayne Johnson, 2 Jackie Chan, 8 Vin Diesel were eliminated to ensure that only white people were counted)

Highest Paid Musical Artists
1 Taylor Swift
2 One Direction
3 Adele
4 Madonna
5 Garth Brooks
6 AC/DC 
7 Rolling Stones
8 Calvin Harris
9 Bruce Springsteen
10 Paul McCartney
(* 4 Rihanna and 10 Diddy were deemed not eligible for inclusion.)

Highest Paid Athletes
1 Ronaldo
2 Lionel Messi
3 Roger Federer
4 Novac Djokovic
5 Phil Mickelson
6 Jordan Spieth
7 Eli Manning
8 Joe Flacco
9 Tom Brady
10 Rory McIlroy
(* 3 LeBron James, 5 Kevin Durant, 7 Cam Newton, 10 Kobe Bryant were not included. ** Does Ronaldo count as 'white'? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.)

See where this is going here?
Each list is fine even with the adjustments for whiteness - the list of athletes even has a certain symmetry to it.
But next we could eliminate women, then anyone who is LBGTIQ, then any non-Christians, then any non-Americans, then... .
Until every list is wholly  straight, white, Christian, American and male.
I'm pretty sure this would be the list the Alt-Right would like to see.
It's like saying that Babe Ruth was the greatest baseball player ever.
Sure, but only if we ensured that only white males were able to compete.

In spite of the over-compensation rhetoric of the 'Woke, Everything Was Invented by Blacks, Hotep' brotha's and the 'Everthing Was Created by Whites, 1488ers - I'm pretty sure that all knowledge, skill and beliefs were built upon the cumulative input from all cultures and that they were based on the cultures that came before them (and/or they were taken from cultures with which they've come into contact.).

I guess I understand the frustration of lonely white scrubs living in a world where they can't compete.
They've had to sit back and watch as others have excelled while they spew the resentment they've held inside since the election of Obama.
(If they had to sit through years of a female POTUS there may have actually been another Civil War.)

Honestly, this is just crazy.
It's not even a racial issue.
I'm sure that those who can excel in a diverse economy aren't even worried about race.
Those Blacks who can't compete blame it on white racism while those whites who cannot compete blame it on minority entitlements, Affirmative Action and race traitors.
IMOHO - These people don't know which side they're fighting for.

(Black dudes with Confederate flags and white dudes with BLM banners on opposing sides?)

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