Monday, August 28, 2017

Houston, We Have a Problem

People will believe anything.
Or nothing at all.
Or the wrong things.

My club's facebook page is filled with people claiming that Obama is in Houston feeding the homeless.
Hotep brotha's will believe and repeat anything - even if it's wrong.

And Trump may be over-stating.
A 'great job'?
I hope Trump isn't having his 'Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.' moment reminiscent of the younger Bush.
The truth is, it's too early to tell how well anyone is doing.

People in Texas have been through enough hurricanes to know that the eastern side of the storm is the 'dirty side'.
Well, and the northern edge too.
So if the storm makes landfall in or near Corpus Christi - the majority of the rain and flooding will occur in Galveston,
 or Houston or anywhere in the northeastern outer bands.

Houston is still home to many refugees from Katrina.
I was doing volunteer work in the hood last month and one refugee commented that we needed another hurricane so that everyone could make a come-up.
(I wonder if this dude and his family are once again homeless and looking for their next government lick?)

My club's facebook page is littered with woke idiots.
To them, everything is a government conspiracy to eradicate Black people in America.
This (and many other) shark on the freeway photo has people scared to travel.
If I read another story about how HAARP is being used to create hurricanes to destroy minority cities I'm joining the Alt-Right.

Honestly, Houston is a mess.
The BYU-LSU game has been moved from Houston to New Orleans.
Houston is about ten-times larger than New Orleans and with this storm we had less than half the notice.
FEMA has improved since its response to Katrina but I doubt it will able to overcome a largely dependant class of victims as large as that in Houston.

Similar to NOLA, Houston had/has a Black mayor.
The VMAs were last weekend so Trump doesn't have to worry about Kanye stealing the mic to point out how little he cares about Black people.

Similar to Katrina, Houston mayor Sylvester Turner failed to issue any type of mandatory evacuation order.
Unlike Nagin opening the Superdome as a refuge of last resort - Turner failed to set up such a refuge at the Astrodome (or any other public facilities).

The flooding is about to get worse and Spike Lee can suck a dick.

The high pressure systems to the east and west of Harvey are holding the storm in place over southeast Texas.
With tons of water unable to be absorbed into the ground, flooding will occur, levees may be breached and dams may fail.
The easiest way to control the direction and speed of this overabundance of water is to intentionally release water from dams and levees.

Houston is called the 'Bayou City' for a reason.
It's built on a swamp.
And these swamps and bayous regularly overflow.
This time around the city seems to want to save its downtown - it's money maker.

A release from reservoirs is planned later this week.
And guess who gets flooded?
No, not the hood.
The 5th (unlike the 9th in NOLA) may benefit from its proximity to downtown.
Suburban, semi-affluent, mostly white areas will bear the burden of being the lamb sacrificed in order to save the city's financial core.

Closer to home, an alligator and exotic animal preserve is being flooded.
Over 350 alligators will be able to swim freely around town.
Snakes and lizards are also set to be freed.

As the eye is the storm is set to travel directly over us in two days, I'm feeling as though I'm in the middle of a bad syfy channel movie.

Before Trump decides to issue his all-clear - he may want to make sure the storm has passed and all FEMA and Red Cross support systems are in place.

And now the hustle starts.
As soon as a place is declared a disaster area, gamers begin to game.
Shiiid - I know people still living off of Katrina benefits.
If someone doesn't really work, rents an abode and is already on public assistance - they can likely count on a government funded vacation with perks paid for by private charities.

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