Thursday, August 31, 2017

Marshall Law ?

The city is filled with military water rescue  helicopters.
Our port is filled with military vehicles that were said to be shipped to overseas wars.
The most informative newscaster has had her station knocked off the air.
There is only one way in and out of the city - all other roads and highways are flooded.
Levees, dams and reservoirs are breached.
The water filtration system broke -  leaving us with no running water for up to a week.
Many homes are without electricity.
There are food shortages.
Curfew is in effect.
And I live in the least educated city in America and the third most crime ridden in Texas.

This is beginning to sound like a bad idea for a movie.


  1. I'm glad to see that at the very least, you do have an internet connection.

    Just come back to Cali.

    Also, what about all the old ladies you look after? They alright?
