Thursday, August 31, 2017

Epic (Failure)

 After waking up to take a dookie and relax after a hectic day, I grabbed a tablet to catch up on the goings on on my club's facebook page.

'City Without Water', was the headline on many posts.
I'm dropping a big one and we no longer have water service?
All I have is one good flush?
And how am I supposed to wash my hands?

Luckily, I've been through hurricanes before.
I keep bottles, gallons, buckets and bathtubs filled with water.
But what of those who went to bed believing the promises by our local politicians that our water sources were functional and secure?

All they have left is one good flush.

Houston is getting all of the attention and funding but the city's 2.4 million residents are only a fraction of the 7 million affected by Harvey.
Sure, Trump says that local, state and the federal governments are doing a great job during this 'epic' storm but someone has dropped the ball.

Many are without housing, electricity and now water.
My daughter organized an exchange of goods and services at one of the clubs.
If someone has toiletries, water, non-perishable foods, cleaning supplies, clothing, monetary donations, whatever... - they just drop it off at the club.
If someone wants supplies or the help of a tradesman they can leave with whatever they need.

I've learned that we cannot count on the government to supply our needs.
When the SHTF, I've learned that family, friends and relationships are more valuable than money.

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