Monday, April 28, 2014

Take a Seat Mike...

Sure, Donald Sterling may be a penny-pinching, racist, asshole who has a fettish for the dark and (not so) lovelies...
But does Michael Jordan have any room to speak on such matters?
Didn't His Airness treat Comillionaire as though the young rapper was unfit to carry his shoes?
Aren't stories of Mike's treatment of 'common' Black folks found in many places on the internet?
Isn't mike known by his friends to be cheap?
Didn't Mike ditch his Black wife for a stable of white women?
Donald takes out fake ads in local papers touting his philanthropy - Mike releases shoes in limited editions causing kids to fight and rob one another.
Sure, I AM a Michael Jordan fan when it comes to basketball - but when it comes to social issues : Mike, take a seat.

(As far as Sterling goes and his issues with scorned hookers? That's his business. That he will not receive another award from the NAACP? The man has The man can neither do anything for nor to me so his racist views are his problem as well. I AM a Clippers fan so I hope he decides to sell the team but beyond that.. Fuck him.. )

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points my brother.

    Michael has been my favorite baller of all time since way back in the day. But the simple fact is that he has always taken a "safe route". His advisers have always been consistent.

    I understand Donald Sterling's taste in women........I'm not sure I understand Mike's.
