Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Miss..

The days when one could expect a ribbon, medal or trophy only after winning. What sissy began the ideology that we should be more concerned with ones self-esteem and not place any value on ones character? (And then taught other scrubs that 'we are all winners, kings, queens, divas, ... or whatever.)
I miss; movie stars, hard-hitting football players, punishment (or mercy) for misbehavior, physically fit celebrities, and/or any type of discrimination based on performance and or knowledge.
I miss people who were able to be thought of as being better than those around them.
I despise; Honey Boo-Boo, any of the Real Housewives, fouls called and flags thrown for incidental contact, excuses for being uncivilized, and the belief that we are or should be equal.

Honestly. I still tutor under performing children in many of the worst imaginable neighborhoods in this area. To a person, each believes that he is going to be the next talentless star on one reality show or another. Each values You-Tube fame as much as we used to value earned fame.
To tell the truth. I'm tired.
Sure, I get cool points for owning a nightclub - only because, to them, that makes me popular and locally famous.
I'm sick of these sorry-assed mothers who aspire to be the next Baketball Baby Momma.
I'm sick of grown-assed fathers thinking that they are a pimp, baller, or gangsta'.
I'm sick of our local Black politicians who blame every shortcoming of our culture on 'Institutional Racism'.
Sure, some may say that am turning my back on 'my people' - but maybe it's just time for me to shake the dust from my feet and move on to people who are at least willing to try to help themselves.
Maybe I should just make money off of those too dumb to become members of the creative class and who are satisfied with being the top-dog of their local consumer class.
I'm just tired...


  1. Seems like you need to take a break from the people you are around, UBJ.

  2. I get why you feel the way you do, and to a certain extent (especially with the pseudo-pimp and bball wives) I agree with you. IMO the real reason why 'everyone's a winner' is to keep those who want to win at life and can't from seeking a trophy in the 'run-up-in-your-spot-with-a-robbery-weapon' category. When everyone's fed, no one's hungry. When no one's hungry, no one will question or coup your position.
