Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back in the Day - Stuart Scott was The Man...

(Okay... so this photo has nothing to do with this post but I don't seem to be able to upload photos from my computer and I thought this woman was kind-of sexy.)

Sports reporting used to be boring.
Sure, we could wait for the weekend to catch taped replays of events on ABC's Wide World of Sports (or any of the other network imitators) but the format of these shows was fairly pedestrian.

Then along came ESPN with (almost) real-time sports coverage.
The network became a staple in most guys' viewing rotation.
Even better was 'The Deuce" (ESPN 2) with Keith Oberman, Suzy Colber and a young Stuart Scott.
The Deuce had a format that I could relate to.
Smart-assed quips from it's reporters, a bottom ticker with real-time scores and updates and the use of slang which made the show feel as though one was watching television with ones boys (and a girl).

Stuart Scott stood out with his "Boyaah" or "Cooler than the other side of the pillow" remarks - which would often have Suzi Colber laughing as her eyes squinched until they almost disappeared.
I could relate to Stuart better than I could to Howard Cossell or Brett Musberger and later Keith Oberman.
Stuart brought a Black-cool to the sports reporting that Bryant Gumbel could never master.
Stewart was erudite and street in a way that former athletes could never be.

Hearing that Mr. Scott is again fighting Cancer caused me to think about my own mortality.
All I can say is that I hope the brotha' gets better soon.


  1. Amen to that! Prayers for him and all who are battling this disease.

    Ones mortality seems so far away, and yet for all we know it may be 'round the corner.

    So as Moanerplicity says: snatch joy!
