Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I've heard many people credit their religion as being the cause of their good deeds, positive thinking or the foundation of their outlook on life.
But could we be born with certain tendencies which are only reinforced by our chosen religions?
Are we born into religions which merely serve our social needs within certain cultures or societies?
Is the point of religion to govern and rule over others - or is it best used when we use it as a tool to govern or rule ourselves?


  1. Or perhaps we are born with ideas and motivations and a God who knew us back then has constructed a religion to aid us in this mortal existence?

  2. a belief in a higher power is what is needed. The certainty that there is a universal force that unites us all in life and in death. That there is but one energy that goes through and through each and everyone on this planet.The belief that the air prana we breath in today passed through the lungs and blood of many others before us, thusly uniting us as sure as if we were siamese twins!
    That, for me, is true religion, that spirituality that must be experienced in the flesh and which some call the "holy spirit" and which raises and expands our level of consciousness from mere carnal needs to the greater spiritual oneness. Anyone here ever felt that?

  3. Have you ever clicked on SeeNew's 'Organelle' links?
