Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Everyone Gets Teased (Skackle Dragger)

(She's Australian)
Do you ever wonder who reads your posts?
Or 'what' they read?
I glanced at the widget to the right and noticed that an inordinate amount of traffic was being directed at the "Everyone Gets Teased" posts from October, 2010.
Then I Googled the term and noticed that the posts ranked fairly high on the list.
The point of the series was to point out (to a blogger who complains about almost everything) that everyone has his own form of victimization and that no one is beyond being teased.
That everyone has his own cross to bear.

Some said that being fat, a minority, a woman or gay were victimized the most.
But I tend to disagree.
The people most 'victims' fear are those who can do very little to or for them.
That those who speak hateful words are just as easily attacked for their own shortcomings.
That many have become sissies who cry at the slightest insult.

There are so many people feeling victimized that "Everyone Gets Teased" has it's own section when Googled?


  1. I don't know. I think your observations might be more related to the bullying issue that has come to the fore in the last year or two.

  2. It's a result of too many parents telling their children that they were somehow 'special' even though most were (almost by definition) average.
