Monday, August 1, 2011

Old Gold

I've been in my house for twelve and a half years but it was not until last week that I stumbled upon an old cigar box filled with old gold teeth.
Apparently, my grandparents and their siblings and their ancestors thought that passing ones teeth to the next generation would be a good idea.
No one in the family knew where the teeth were nor who it was that had them.
The teeth-filled box is heavy so I'm assuming that their is some value to this gold.
I've heard of passing down the family gold - but gold teeth?


  1. If it's heavy the UBJ family was some gold teeth wearing folks for many a moon! Maybe Three Six Mafia in Memphis are your kin! LOL

  2. It's Da' Souf! No white caps or false teefes here for those who wish to appear better than others - only gold.

  3. hmmm. evidence perhaps? Skeleton in the closet or "dental records" in a cigar box?

    How much you know about these folks?

  4. Actually I just found out from a cousin that families would repay out standing debts with the gold teeth of one who died.
    -IDK, It's kinda' creepy to me.
