Monday, August 1, 2011


 In my effort to get a group of rival club owners together - I had to sell them on an image.
The image was not that of a cohesive group which understood that they each stood a better chance of staying in business if they could manage to share resources and experiences.

The image that sold was that of a Meeting of the Dons.
The meeting went so well that the elderly owners of a very nice club offered to sign over their inventory, fixtures, equipment and licenses if I agreed to run their club for three more years.
(I'll have to think about it...
- I'm just good at it.)

These meetings are such a big hit with our customers (The first hour is a meeting of the owners and major players with the rest of the night being open to the general public and invited guests.)  that other owners, who had initially turned down an invitation to participate, are asking to join the group.
We've even had inquiries beyond that of our core Black-owned group.
Just stroke the ego of the man or woman who needs his or her ego stroked and one can manipulate many things - even turning rivals into partners.

(I already know the next phase. Like the disciples of Christ arguing over who would be the greatest among them - these people will eventually wonder the same thing. My reply will be that the hegemon is the one who best looks out for the best interest of all members... not just their own. I only hope they know what a 'hegemon' means...)


  1. go with capo di tutti capi - and keep'em happy trippin in that cosa nostra theme...,

  2. Remove the intelligence and stick with the ignorance as in their dreams they want to be the Godfather. In fact you should call the meeting The Commission and take a picture every year of them in their best suits and put on a wall in all of their clubs.

    They want to be seen and nothing says we own ish like having a picture on the wall when you walk in.

  3. @ SeeNew - Yeah... I'll let them each (in private) think that that is he.
    I'm more like Tom in "Miller's Crossing".
    Someone commented, " Damn John, you don't own shit but you're running shit.".

    @ FreeMan - I already call the meeting B.O.S.S. (Bar Owner's Social Summit). The pictures are taken and on their facebook pages.

  4. Better yet... commission a PAINTING of the members eh!?!?!
    What says "I'm important" more than a portrait?
    Tell ya what, when they are ready to commission the work, I know a guy.
