Friday, August 12, 2011

In Which City...

Will riots first break out in America?


  1. My bet is DC, with LA a perennial favorite.

  2. LA always will be first because we have a gun culture. But, this time it will be the Mexicans who shoot first to get their equality.

    Second will be Oakland because you have remnants of the panthers and others in there. It's a tradition of some sort of upheavel up there.

  3. Dollar collapse and hyperinflation will be the triggers - so - look to those cities that are least locally self-sufficient and you'll identify those cities first to be ignited by the collapse of the dollar and consequent inability to supply themselves.

    So-Cal, Las Vegas, NYC, DC, and others nearly instantly wither on the dollar dependent vine.

  4. I'm betting on Beaumont, Texas.

  5. Philly has been rioting for a couple years now already.
