Monday, August 15, 2011

But The 'Solution' Is The Problem

The recent riots in the UK are said to have been started over the mistreatment of citizens by those in authority.
Now, magistrate courts are being told to refer cases involving looters/rioters to the crown courts in order that those involved can be sentenced to ever more severe punishments than usual.


  1. Is economic contraction putting the system of dopamine hegemony on the ropes?

    The riots have very little to do with deliberate collective action by an oppressed economically unsophisticated segment of British society (the traditional "underclass" writ large) against the ruling elite. There's scarce evidence of an attack on the state and the apparatus of government. What does seem to be abundantly in evidence is the wanton violence and an innate organic proclivity towards destruction characteristic of our species.

    The frustration this subgroup of British society (in particular the teenage males of the institutionalised generational welfare-recipients) has been experiencing at their inability to participate at the consumerist pig's trough promoted by the mass media has been given a stage. No one's rioting because they haven't enough to eat. The looting that's going on is tagetting Nike shoes and cell phones. It's just pure killer-ape frustration with lack of access to the status goodies.

    As with most societies of the industrialised world, the retreat of the state from its traditional responsibilities (provision of infrastructure and essential services, but primarily the provision of stability -- including policing) sets the stage for the complete lack of respect by the disaffected, disenfranchised non-participants to the status-seeking debauchery the rest of society is engaged in, and emboldened as they are, they've taken to throwing stones at, ransacking and burning their own communities.

  2. I had to take this video in doses. The fact that the guy was trying to coin the problem Black culture was enough to make me want to stop listening.

    Damn can we agree that when enough of the population is unemployed a certain point of no return is triggered and what would be a isolated event somehow transforms into the spark for the powder keg. There are riots in Egypt, Libya, and I'm sure it wasn't Black culture there but maybe since the Black culture are living in that hoplessness for a while the British guy believed it somehow was the Black cultures fault.

    This is why I don't try to argue with the so called intelligent as they want to label it instead of solve it. The Whites are acting like Blacks had me thinking of breaking the guys ribs.

  3. @ SeeNew - Are you sayimg that the riots occured because most NEETs could not take part in the Hip Hop-inspired "Bling-Bling' culture popularized by Blacks in America?

    @ FreeMan - Man... I thought it was funny. Kind of like when people accuse some Blacks of "Acting White". It's odd that many today still equate good with white and bad with Black.

  4. rotflmbao...,

    Uncle John, you've been to London, shopping, touristing, and sexing big-bone-ded british wimmins, right? Along with Paris and Tokyo, we are talking about the luxury shopping capitals of the world, right?

    I ain't say a dayyum thing bout no "hip hop inspired bling-bling culture" magne.

    Would it have suited my aesthetic sensi-bilities better if underprivileged knucklehead rappers 25 years ago had gotten their first taste of the good life in Bal Harbour or Martha's Vineyard - absolutely. And mebbe all the little yiggaboos would be preppy as hell right now.

    But nooooo...., they had their noses pressed up against the windows in the capitals of global luxury shopping, and things been tore and tacky ever since.

  5. Maybe these stores need stronger glass?

  6. nah, these yoots just need a values-system transplant, time to dispense with the Theory of the Leisure Class and step up to some good old-fashioned Edo Period competency tracks...,

  7. It's too late.
    Many are addicted to these desires and behaviors.
    Look at your boy DeeVee.
    Probably fairly intellegent but still chasing the unsustainable.
    (BTW - I noticed that a few of his regulars are dropping by Subrealism when they're ready for a real conversation.)
