Friday, May 20, 2011


Yeah... I'm all those things.
I'm everything you hate.
Everything you look down on.
I'm the lowest of the low.
Now that that is settled - let's get to the crux of the matter.

Style is not everything but looks do matter.
I like design but I don't (usually) like superfluous decoration.
(Halle Berry is good design while women who look like Mimi on the old Drew Carry show rely on superfluous decoration.)
Looks are used as a quick (although not entirely reliable) gauge of a persons health and level of fitness.
How many people are attracted to yellow teeth, dirty hair, bad skin, yellow cracked fingernails and/or toe nails, jaundiced eyes, ...?

Which would you buy if both cost the same?
This is not about being 'stylish' or 'trendy' but about making smart choices.
A rusted body, flat tires, broken gauges, frozen engine, worn brakes,... .
(As with cars, "Smell" is also a gauge used to make a quick assessment of a person's health. The smell of burnt fluids or parts is an easy way to tell that something is wrong with your car. Bad breath, sweet smelling sweat, putrid bowel movements, .... - all can be used to detect illnesses. But who goes around actively smelling people? Judging a person based on his or her looks is just a more convenient (although less reliable)method of making such an assessment.)
Why would most people want an old broken down car that doesn't run?
Sure, some take the time to restore these old vehicles to their optimal conditions but most would not see the potential.
Most would not want to spend the time and money required to do so.

But people are different.
If a guy says that he sees the potential in a woman and begins to help her improve her health, he is said to hate the real her.
He is said to hate (fill in the blank) women.
He is said to ridicule those who cannot help who or what they are.
He is threatened with being 'un-followed' by those to who take umbrage because they may feel that they are being picked on.

Unlike machines, people develop a concept of 'who' and 'what' they are.
This consciousness can help or hinder a person's progress.
This 'consciousness' may limit a person to rules which are dictated by both internal and external forces.
These rules may cause a person to group themselves with others who acknowledge the same limitations which, in turn, reinforces these limitations.

Other recognize these limitations as being more like guidelines than they are hard and fast rules which can never be changed or altered.
Like Neo in the Matrix, as one becomes more aware of these rules (and his place within them) he is able to work around many of them.

So no.
I don't post because I hate fat people. (Although I can't stand Mo'Nique and she is fat.)
I just post because many of these weight issues can be avoided.
Many of the issues with weight keep people in a position of dependency on economic and medical systems which are not designed to actually cure their illnesses.
Weight may just be the symptom, better choices might be the cure.

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