Friday, May 20, 2011

Judgement Day?

Nice knowing y'alll.
But wait...
If May 21 is Judgement Day then we won't get to see the last episode of Oprah.
Maybe Oprah has a deal worked out.
Maybe we will not miss;
May 21 - National Memo Day and National Waiter and Waitress Day
May 22 - Buy a Musical Instrument Day
May 23 - Penny Day
May 24 - National Escargot Day
May 25 - National Tap Dance Day
With the last episode of Oprah set for the 25th, I think most of us can count on living past the 21st.


  1. Well, I've been a good boy, but I'm not entirely without sin, so I guess, instead of being shot straight up, I'll be hovering at around 8 feet.

  2. Harold Camping, Today is May 20, 2011

    “The Comforter” would like to thank Harold Camping and his group for making people aware of the fact that the Rapture Energies are coming and soon there will be the Physical Body Ascensions of those who are ready.

    You are special people who stood up for God during the End Times. Thus, you still have time to get ready a Physical Body Ascension and learn how to consciously work with the sun’s Rapture Energies so you are prepared to Ascend at anytime, from anywhere.

    We can teach you how to use Rapture Energies so you can be part of those who leave for the City of Gold in the prophesized Archangelic level Physical Body Ascension Process that will occur before December 21, 2012.

    These 3 steps enable one to begin training at home with Rapture Energies and to partake each week in our Sabbath’s guided visits to the City of Gold.

    • Step One: Free Techniques *
    • Step Two: A Two Day Meditator Class
    • Step three: A Two Day Activator Class

    * Daily usage of our free techniques and a liberal’s lifestyle of properly helping others in need, will enable one to become ready for an Angelic level Ascension on Judgment Day, December 21, 2012.

    Email Classes @ for a calendar of our family’s Classes in your area of the world.

  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Ninjas try'na sell City of Gold kush at your spot uncle John....,
