Monday, May 2, 2011

Hella Busy

Being that the New Girl has gone back to Ohio to take care of her mother for the past few weeks, I've been keeping busy.
Between running clubs, construction and volunteer work - I've been trying to stay occupied until the New Girl gets back.
The thing is - the New Girl trusts me to go to lunch or the movies with other women as long as I have no interest in them as more than being just friends.
Maybe the girl is naive or maybe she trusts me - I don't know.
But the thing is, I'll break things off before I'd cheat.
But this is where the problem arises.
A woman wants to go all Mississippi Masala on me.
She moved here a few years after graduation from B-school to run her parents' string of Churches chicken restaurants.
The woman looks like a Bollywood actress and is really nice so when she asked me out I politely declined.
But one of the elderly women I check on loves the chicken from one of her stores.
When the woman asked if her being Indian was the reason I turned down her offer to dinner, "No, because I might be interested.", is what I replied.
Being that I have a history of trading one girl for the next - maybe it's better that I stand with my current 20 instead of going bust trying to hit Blackjack.


  1. umm, hmm....,

    been keeping busy to keep them big onion-cuttin tears out your eyes brah. you bettah stop playin playah and go head on and get right with that phoine betty.

  2. finding "the one" isn't about test driving them all and picking the best, its about making a decision and sticking with it.

  3. I don't have an opinion as you can choose the type of life you want. The question is if she leaves will you feel that you lost something or will you just fill that void with one of the 20?

  4. @ SeeNew - If the New Girl has to stay in Ohio I may have to step to a new-new girl.

    @ brohammas - I'm trying to learn that.

    @ FreeMan - Nah man... not 20 women but a 'twenty' being a really good hand in Blackjack but not the best.

  5. Brohammas said...

    finding "the one" isn't about test driving them all and picking the best, its about making a decision and sticking with it.

    May 3, 2011 4:34 AM

    I disagree in part. I think it is about test driving them all. But then when you fall in love, you make a decision and stick with it. Maybe UBJ just hasn't fallen in love yet.;)
