Monday, May 2, 2011


I like the Lakers but I'm no fan of Kobe.
Some say that I don't like the guy because he is too arrogant - but I think the term is misunderstood.
People say that 'arrogant' people don't care about others, that they only care about their own best interests - but I think the opposite may be true.
I think that 'arrogant' people care too much.
I think 'arrogant' people imagine and expect everyone to be at their best at all times.
Sure, such thinking is unrealistic but it seems to be the expectation of many of those who commoners and proles refer to as being 'arrogant'.


  1. Naw, Arrogant is when you think your medium is inherantly better than everyone elses best.

  2. I don't like Kobe for the same reason as higher expectations of others should not make them feel like shit. Just because you are great you don't have to shove it in people's face and back it up and say I told you so. That's what makes him the only Laker that people will not have fond memories of. Usually you remember good times with Magic or Shaq of fun and laughter.

    Kobe and Jordan will be just great players but not great men.

  3. @ brohammas - I'm always called arrogant, bougie, whatever...
    "You think you're too good for everyone else.", is often a comment thrown my way but I don't even worry about being better than everyone else.
    One of my friends tells me tat I'm not arrogant because arrogant people LIKED to be called arrogant - to me it's an insult.

    @ FreeMan - Is it arrogant to think that we have to improve the lives of others?
    Should we just accept that some (well... most) people are satisfied with being average?
    That some people are happy as long as they have more than the guy sitting next to him at the bus stop?
    At times I feel like a missionary trying to impose his religion and culture on some poor and ignorant native.
    Maybe people should be allowed to be themselves and to deal with the consequences.

  4. @UBJ - In Kobe's case it is because being better in his field is based on physical talent.

    When a Man knows and chooses poorly it's his fault when a Man doesn't know then it's the worlds fault. Show them the way that you made it and leave them be. If they choose to ignore a way to make money then you hanging around them couldn't made them do it either. Only children need direction and guidance after they become grown men and women their life is more the result of their inactivity.

    Your only duty is to inform the blind and naive.
