Sunday, May 8, 2011

Doin' A'ight

Another lunch, another offer.
The primary club at which I work is doing well.
So well, in fact, that people who don't even like the club end up going to the club.
The club is an out of the way hole-in-the-wall which is kind of cheap and tacky.
I took the job as a challenge.
Everyone said that I couldn't turn this club around.

The funny thing is that a group of local politicians, professional and business leaders have offered to buy me a club more fitting of my personal tastes.
I would own 40% (with no money of my own invested) while the controlling group retains the other 60%.
I would design/decorate, promote, hire employees and run the club as I saw fit - just as long as I remain with only that club.
Their reasoning is that they want a more upscale club where those of a lower social standing would not feel comfortable.
They want a club where they could be amongst their own without having to mingle with the riff-raff.
Really? Giving me 40% just so they wouldn't have to mingle with those who got them where they are in the first place?
Some people crack me up.

1 comment:

  1. C'mon you know they don't want to mingle with the help!

    People want to feel superior and they'll pay for it!
