Sunday, May 8, 2011


 John Taylor Gotto books, The Bell Curve, Margaret Sanger policies, 3/5 laws, books and articles giving advice on how to keep Blacks oppressed, whatever....
Bloggers always point to these as reasons many Blacks are still struggling.
But if you someone tells you that he is going to hit you in the face with an overhand right at a certain time and you wait for that man to hit you - who is the fool?
If these references are correct and these are the tools people use to keep you subjugated - why even play that game?
Why not avoid that mine field in the first place.
Even if you cannot understand the language, you can understand the warning signs.
"Everyone has a plan - until he gets hit.", said Mike Tyson.
Are some people so broken down that they have accepted their fate?
Have some witnessed so many generations failing that they imagine that the way things are is the way things will always be?
Is our common consciousness so mired in ghetto thinking that we relegate ourselves only to the ghetto?


  1. Ahhh but does everyone have a plan till they get bit?
    I see and work with people who have in fact watched everyone they know fail and now assume that is how ithas to be. many poor people have in fact lost hope.

  2. I don't think people are thinking that deeply about the subject. You have to want to be literate and discerning to even understand the plan against Blacks.

    The mentality persists primarily it has become the culture. The norms and expectations are locked in and unless there is a intervention it will persist.

    All these things can be written to stop Blacks but nothing has worked better than creating a ghetto. You have lawlessness, corrupt cops, illiteracy, poor health, gangs, drugs, and containment. The micro environment is a self fulfiling prophecy. If you have a animal in a small cage that inhibits it's growth we can't sit back and say it's because it doesn't naturally grow. In this case the elements are creating a desired end.

  3. bears repeating;

    nothing has worked better than creating a ghetto. You have lawlessness, corrupt cops, illiteracy, poor health, gangs, drugs, and containment. The micro environment is a self fulfiling prophecy.

  4. We learn by example. If the child sees the parent reading the newspaper, The child will read also, and so forth.

  5. Yep FreeMan, that about says it all.
    And when institutions set up to improve those areas are also currupt maybe there is a need to tear it all down and start over,
    Whorish pastors, dirty cops, self-important teachers only working for a paycheck...
    If the church, schools and the government are failing in these areas it is almost impossible to overcome these barriers.
