Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ease of Life

I'm not particularly charming - but I do a'ight.
But a group of women noticed a Heineken commercial playing in the background at one of the bars and one said, "That's John.".
"Really...?", I asked.
"Yeah... everybody loves John.", they said.
"Do you even have any enemies?", one asked.
"Baby girl... I have more enemies than you have friends.", I said.
"No you don't.", they laughed.
But the ability to get along with many people is what makes me successful at running clubs.
I don't really like nightclubs - I'm just good at it.
It's just a performance.


  1. You're lucky as you have the perfect job for your skillset. Most people are fat round pegs going into slender triangular holes.

  2. It's also an art! ;)

  3. My resume is ten years deep in sales. I only got into sales because I was good at it. Moey is hard to say "no" too.
    I hate sales.
    At some level it really bothers me that I'm good at it... like its a character flaw.

  4. @ FreeMan - Yeah... I guess...
    But the club thing just creates opportunities in other areas.
    Kind of like when an successful actor says, "I'd really like to direct".

    @ I think that's why we get PAID for doing things we're good at but don't really like doing.

  5. I hate my job.

    I don't want to manage anyone or anything ever again; but it did pay a mortgage for years and now it's paying rent.

    It is what it is.

    Since I don't drink I ought to open a liquor store.
