Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The American Influence

This is what happens when Mac Donald's makes it to China.
(The kid is four years old and already weighs 86 pounds. Forget a Big Mac, this kid is a Whopper!)


  1. I guess I'd better work on getting my diabetes treatment centers into China as I should be a billionaire by 2020!

  2. I just saw another documentary refuting everything that the guy in the first anti McDonald's had said. So who to believe? I always ate "healthy" lots of veggies, exercised (yoga, running, aerobics etc.) since I was a teen, and look what I got...

    I think I'll just eat what I want and to heck with statistics! :)

  3. I don't blame the States, I blame Japan.
    Kids been watching too much Sumo on TV.

  4. @ FreeMan - Damn... you'd make a killing if the government didn't run medicine there.

    @ Desertflower - I try to eat well but I don't worry too much about a plate of ribs, a Mountain Dew or a Snikers here and there.
    I've known too many 'healthy' people who got sick from some genetic (or epigenetic) factor.

    @ brohammas - Well... the kid will probably have a job in Nippon.

  5. A couple of months ago I wrote a blog entry about a couple of big collard green eating women whose table manners were so foul that they turned my stomach and ruined my appetite. When I wrote that a morbidly obese woman came to my page and read me the riot act. I didn't give a shit then and I don't now. She was trying to say that I had hatred and contempt for "fat people". I denied that fact then, but maybe she's right. I don't necessarily have hate, but maybe some contempt? Any damned fool can eat themselves to death, that's no great feat. I feel for children like this though, his parents did that to him.

    I have a son and a daughter, my son was always like me, a beanpole. My daughter was always well within an acceptable BMI. But I can remember once when she was 15 and starting to pick up a little weight, I noticed that she'd started eating more and more. I made it a point to cut back on the portions that she was fed. She noticed it one day and asked me if I thought she was getting fat. Clearly she wasn't, but I told her this. If you're under 18 and in my house and you're overweight, that's my fault. If you leave my home at 18 when you go to college and then become overweight, then it's your fault.

    We have to be responsible for our children; and plenty of us should take a good look in the mirror and be responsible for ourselves as well.
