Friday, February 18, 2011

What I Do

Anyone who has seen the Kitchen Nightmares series has some idea of what I do for nightclubs.
I am a terrible employee - but a good boss.
Every sport played, every school attended or every job worked - I always seemed to be on the verge of expulsion. (But the odd thing is that I've gotten awards from every job worked, school attended or sport played.)
It's not that I sucked at any of these things - only that I did that which I thought was best.
(Sometimes with a less than desirable outcome.)
I hated being yelled at.
I hated when I knew more or was better than whomever was above me.
I would talk back if a boss, teacher or coach was mistreating one of my 'team members' (anyone with whom I was close to).

Odd - what others view as a liability can often be turned into a money making asset.


  1. Sounds like my son right now... I have hope ;)

  2. From your description you sound like one of those skilled people who can play on a team but arent exactly a team player.
    One reason I initially got into sales was my frustration with having to listen to bosses who knew less than me and made more money. Commission is the ultimate equalizer.
    But yout tact only works for those with superior skill. Those a little more lacking would get more benefit from learning their role in a team structure and carving out a niche within the system.
    Few can do as you do.

  3. You just don't care for the politics of life. Welcome to the club. I think my own path is similar to yours but I had enough of trying to find a good boss and decided to become my own.

    In a group what's right has to be debated. In a group what's right has to be agreed upon by people who emotionally want to be right. A team only works when you have a coach otherwise teammates will never win the championship because there are too many egos.

    In the end you have to fight to bring the right angle into being. That's tiring.... and thus I created my own.

  4. @ RunningMom - Like FreeMan, he'll probably end up working for himself.

    @ brohammas - Yeah... well... this post wasn't exactly complete.
    When I worked/played/attended I would try to help he who was in charge get better.
    I would pull a coach/boss/teacher aside and ask what they needed from me to help them improve.
    Most didn't like to have a subordinate offering help but some welcomed the imput and these were the ones I worked well with.
    Kind of like Jordan playing for Doug Collins.

    @ FreeMan - People always say, "I have the best people working for me.".
    But this is not true.
    Even when employed by others, "The Best" seem to be working for themselves.
    When working for others these are they who are just passing through.
    They who are just learning the skills, making the connections and/or acquiring the knowledge they will need for their next step.
