Friday, February 18, 2011

Adults Are Children

Everyone wants to be a V.I.P..
Even as adults, we seek status.
But in nightclubs this phenomenon is even more exaggerated.
At most nightclubs, the patrons are actively seeking status.

I hate to manipulate people.
Ideally, I'd like for someone to tell me something and then let me decide how or whether I'd like to act.
But many nightclub patrons are just followers.
In the nightclub business - A crowd draws a crowd.
People want to be where everyone else is, they want to dress in the same style as everyone else, they want to act just-so in an effort to fit in.
The trick to having a full house is to attract an attractive crowd early in the night.

I play favorites.
I'm polite to everyone, maybe even nice, but I don't like everyone.
This past Valentines Day, a club had a promotion with drink specials, free food, and roses and boxes of candy given to every female patron.
But I only ordered a limited amount of flowers and candy.
I gave these items to every woman who came early but saved some for those who came late that I liked best.

But the club owner's girlfriend showed up late and noticed this.
"You only gave flowers and candy to the pretty girls.", she said.
"Or if they are nice - but I saved them for the ones I like the most.", I replied.
She didn't think this was fair.
"Look, I gave every woman who came early flowers and candy. Those who came late were subject to my preferences. If the less attractive or unfriendly girls wanted to be treated as equals they should have come early.", I said.

But the owner's girlfriend's friends were not satisfied with this explanation.
They imagined themselves as being V.I.P.s and thought that any preferences should be reserved for them alone.
But friends don't keep a business in business.
The hundred or so people anyone knows will not spend as much as the hundreds of thousands of people a businessman doesn't know.
Those who don't know an owner don't expect a hook-up.
Those who don't know an owner act as though they are guests of a business (not as though they are part-owners).

"Let him do what he does.", the owner said to his girlfriend.
The woman got upset and threatened to leave.
"No, I'll finish up and I'll leave.", I said.
"Shut the Eff up and let him do what I'm paying him to do", the owner said.
"The only reason you have any status is because of this club. The only reason my club is doing well is because he brought in his people and connections.", the owner continued.
"If he leaves now, we don't have a club.", he ended.

Being that I have already completed my initial contract, I'm now in bonus time.
Every extra week I work costs more than the one before.
It would be easier for these people to learn what I know and to do the same.
It would be easier if they understood that they (as friends of the owner) are not V.I.P.s - that only paying guests earn such status.
All this mess over a box of $1 chocolates from WalMart.
Damn, some adults remain children forever.


  1. Who do you think you are UBJ? Are you screening people at Eharmony too? LOL

    Well the reward is the early bird special no matter how ugly the bird. After that when the place is packed you want to create a sense of exclusivity since you have a audience. Why not pick the fine and nice women as they probably increase the sales of the club.

    What you ran into is the boss' wife who feels that she deserves the spoils. This is why when I do businesses with anyone I say I am doing business with you and not your wife!

    Damn UBJ just give them the damn rose and chocolates. You could have got those idiots out of your face in 2 seconds. So partially I blame you for not seeing the bigger picture and getting them seated and over with. I didn't know you were a principal of the matter kind of guy.

    Sometimes we just pacify people to effectively complete the task at hand.

  2. Yeah... maybe I should have just made everyone feel special, but sometimes I get bored and I create situations to see how people will react.

  3. lol@toying with thirsty bitches...,
