Wednesday, February 2, 2011


More people with less money to spend on food and record profits for Big Oil meets the Military Industrial Complex.


  1. This is the hidden lever being pulled in the MENA (middle-east northern africa) - hidden in plain sight. People don't know history and don't know the ancient critical dependencies that rear up over, and over again...,

    Who would've thunk "food as a primary weapon of mass destruction"?

  2. I have never been, and am still not, comfortable with exporting military eqipment.
    Our jets with someone els's logo makes me real nervous.

  3. ...makes my stomach turn. sad, just sad.

  4. UBJ, there's some major craziness going on in the world right now. I'm back for your always insightful perspective.

    As for this mess, I agree with Brohammas. Exporting military equipment just seems self-destruction. But "why?" is too simple of a question.

  5. @ SeeNew - Even stories in the Bible tell of countries gaining power by their control over the food suply.
    We've all read the stories, There is nothing new under the sun.

    @ brohammas - Me neither but people don't get rich by doing the right thing.

    @ Liam - The world will probably suffer much in the near future.
    Who will be spared has as much to do with luck as anything else.
    But as long as people have knowledge, skills and are able to work with others they should be able to rule the next cycle.

    @ RunningMom - I thought you'd retired and moved away. Welcome back.
