Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's People!

 Well... not yet anyway.
Reports of man-made 'meat' have been coming out for the last couple years.
But as food prices increase and availability decreases - maybe it's time to bring the product to market.
Sure, there will probably be some health issues or some side effects - but as most people focus on comfort and entertainment more than knowledge, usable skills or morality, maybe we've reached the apex of our civilization and we are just being prepared for the cull.
If we have already grown accustomed to the 'meat' at Taco Bell (Del Taco is much better) - can an actual Manwich be that far behind?


  1. I had a similar thought... haven't we been eating faux meat for some time? Taco bell, McDonalds, Spam, not that I eat Spam...

  2. McDonalds is real meat and so is taco bell. C'mon with the kangaroo meat angle..

    I've been traveling the last couple of weeks and believe me we have enough farmland to feed the world that is unused. So is the scarcity real or driven by capitalism?

  3. @ DF: I agree. There is enough land to feed the world.

  4. @ RunningMom - I feel sick whenever I eat fast food. Maybe it's the filers or preservatives.

    @ FreeMan - Sure, their ARE enough resources to feed everyone but there is no profit in that.
    One one my family farms is in a program which pays us NOT to grow crops in an effort to keep prices stable.

    I'm not saying that MickyDee's uses horse meat, kangaroo meat or rat meat - but there are a lot of fillers in 'meat'.
    Buy a pack of frozen chicken breats and read the package. I just read where a package I'd bought had 13% 'extenders'.
    WTF are extenders?
    Not MEAT.

    @ Desertflower - Yeah, there is enough land but cheap food requires cheap energy, cheap water, cheap transportation and cheap labor.
