Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Black History Month - The 'KoFro'

While reading posts from Slant Eye For The Round Eye I came across a reference to the KoFro.
 I thought the Asian Afro/ Reggae Perm/ Korean Afro was a fad from two or three years ago but the above image was posted only two months ago from L.A..
Why is the KoFro surprising to anybody?
Don't Asians usually own many shops which sell hair care products to Black women in any given hood?
It was only a matter of time before some Asians decided to try the products on themselves.

Okay, some results are better than others but at least some cultures recognize the value in other cultures which one culture does not recognize in itself.
But think about it...
Coolest World Leader - Has an Afro.
Coolest and best Athletes - Have Afros.
Coolest pop stars - Have some type of Afro.
The coolest guys in most movies - Have Afros.
The Afro is represents what the slicked back duck tailed hair of Fonzi or James Dean did to a Eurocentric generation decades ago.
Today - He who would be cool is he who has an Afro.


  1. True but it sure does look funny to see Koreans copy off of Black styles. Also, most afros were a open sign of rebellion rejecting euro-centric ideas of beauty and overall just thumbing your race in others faces.
