Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Black History Month - The Angry Black Woman

 No not Selita Ebanks - but I'll get back to her later.
 Never,... ever, ever, ever, EVER get caught looking at/talking to/dancing with a non-Black woman when Black women are around.

This past Superbowl weekend we had a lot of promotions at the clubs.
My liquor reps are nice looking non-Black women who always make sure that my clubs get promotional resources from their respective liquor conglomerates.
These girls look out for me and make sure that I'm always hooked-up.

But one of the swag items was a deck of cards from Captain Morgan rum.
The deck featured a number of non-Black women but only one Black woman each wearing coquettish pirate outfits.
At first, the women at these clubs were upset that we gave out decks of cards with half-naked women on them.
Later, these women became even more upset when their husbands, boyfriends and acquaintances began to ogle these "damn white girls" pictured on the cards.
But these guys weren't just looking because the pictured women were white - these guys were looking because for the past three or four months all they've seen are women in a lot of clothes who are gaining even more weight as the Winter drags on.
These men knew that the images were just a fantasy, that most of them would still be going home with the same woman with whom they came.

My boy Floyd owns a popular local restaurant.
He is married to one of the Blackest and prettiest women in town.
Being polite, he offered to teach one of my reps how to dance in a Swingout style.
The girl had taken dance classes all her life and was a quick study.
After a few songs the girl had to leave to go to other bars and clubs.
But after doing this, my boy Floyd was shunned by every Black woman in the club.
"Go dance with your skinny white bitch again.", many women said when they were asked to dance.
But Floyd is an old school cat who is a member of almost every Black club or social group that promotes the advancement of Black people.
He belongs to Swingout Clubs and has danced with most of these women in the past.
But never a white woman in a Black club.
Some women became so upset that they said that they would never go to his restaurant ever again.

Then the ish really hit the fan.
When the PepsiMax ad was shown the women in the club became even more upset.
"Oh... why they gotta' show a Mad Black Woman again?", many said.
"Ummm... didn't we already have this discussion when y'all got mad at Floyd for dancing with Summer? Didn't y'all get mad when your men were looking at playing cards with women who weren't even here?", I said.
Yet again, I have a group of Black women mad at me.
While looks (and ultimately attraction) are subjective, these men were just imagining an 'upgrade'.
By now, everyone has seen the State Farm commercial where a guy and a girl each wish for and receive an upgrade in their current partner.
Regardless of ones race, many people do this.

And if I was sitting next to a woman who resembled Mo'Nique and had the chance to get with Selita Ebanks - Big Mo would have to find another way home.


  1. The most confrontational grief I have gotten is from black men. Once they realize my wife are in fact 'together' dudes really turn it on to try to pick her up... both to openly dissrespect me and in some sort of denial that I may just have more game than them... which they would never accept.

    Black woman when they find out just assume I must be rich.

    I wish I was.

  2. Ha Ha ha Ha I bet brohammas get's alot of "how did he get that" looks. Welcome to America Buddy!! The only time I could walk down the street with a white woman (non sexual relationship - co workers) and no crazy looks or stares was when I lived overseas. We have a history of race here that has left a bitter taste in peoples mouth. You ever heard the phrase "The White Mans Ice is Always Colder"? White women have been placed on a pedestal in this country. Look at all the magazines that come out. The television shows. Black women have been dealing with 2nd class citizen status for a minute. Does it mean that they should be mad at your boy for dancing with that chick....no But I understand because it's deeper than that.

  3. @ brohammas - was your wife offended by the ad?

    @ Ojo - I'm not so sure that it's the 'white women' so much as it's the (more often) European features.
    Large eyes, small nose, full lips, long thick hair, medium-tone clear skin - features which most men find to be the most feminine.
    The 'best looking' women are most often those who appear to be mixed with something else.

    White women with juicy butts and darker skin.
    Asian women with round eyes.
    Black women with light skin and long hair.
    It's the mean of all races that men most often find to be the most attractive.

  4. White women get bitchy when white men hook up with Asian women. As a generalization I would say that no woman likes seeing the men who comprise her mating group selecting from another race.

  5. So men like alittle mixture of everything? mmmm.....

  6. @ MissAJ - Really? Interesting...
    I just called some white female friends and they said that they get mad when the see a good looking white dude with a woman from another race. I guess you're right.
    But they could see themselves with a guy from another race if he was dominant in their same social group or rich and famous.

    @ Ojo - IMOHO

  7. Guess it just depends on the man/woman - I don't get mad seeing anyone with anyone of a different race. I'm more likely to wonder what their stories are - how they got together, etc.

    I find that when I am the minority race in a social situation - I never get approached, lol.

  8. Oh I love my word verification this time - ranter

    It is hard to overcome inner bitchyness but with a little reflection it's possible. I have a filipina friend married to a white guy, it is much easier for their friendship group to be other couples of this combination due to the automatic assumption that there is no love but a money/visa contract. Same with my ex-husband and his Chinese wife. But there is passionate love for each of them and we should be happy that love has been found rather than snooty and dismissive.

  9. @ RunningMom - Have you dated someone from another race?
    (I have)
    Maybe it's alright with you because you're used to it.
    Back in the day - it was okay for a Black guy to date Latina in SoCal. It was fairly common because everyone knew everyone else and most could like/hate someone based on whether they liked/hated that person as a person not just a representative of their race.
    These days, many Blacks and Mexicans (Hispanics, Latinos, whatever...)) don't get along as well and it's seen by some as selling out.
    I also think that those with the most choices (those who are more attractive across all races) have less of a problem with it.

    @ Amanda - Many Asian MEN seem a bit feminine (IMOHO) so the women must be ultra-feminine.
    I think the most masculine men get the most women and the most feminine women get the most men.
    (Across all races)
    There is no science behind such thinking so I don't really know.
    Al I know is that I don't like women who look like men with weaves/wigs.
    I don't like women who could play linebacker for the Packers.
    I don't like women who shave more than me.
    From thin and fit to juicy with curves - I like a woman who looks and acts like a woman.
    Regardless of race, I'm picking the one who fits my qualifications of what it is to be a woman.

  10. I have - I've dated black, white, middle eastern (lebanese & persian), hispanic, no asian or eastern indian..yet...

    - there has to be a special "something" about the guy I date - the race is irrelevant.
