Monday, December 27, 2010

Smoked Meat

Healthier food is the best thing to happen in the South since... well... unhealthy food.
I always loved Christmas Eve back in Cali. - eating Tamales with Mexican friends was something I looked forward to all year.
Recently food trends seem to have dictated that deep-fried turkey is out while smoked turkey is in.
But why waste a hot pit on just one turkey.
Why not throw on a slab of ribs, a few chickens, lots of links and a stuffed pork roast while you're at it.
I haven't eaten this much meat since we were trying not to waste any meat after a hurricane.
As many people tend to bring me a plate of food (or two) from their family meals - I'm stuffed.
As far as new holiday traditions go - Bar-B-Que on Christmas Eve is a keeper.


  1. Awww I actually liked deep fried turkey and since it's only once a year what's the harm in that?

    I guess I have to get ready for the smoked turkey BUT that deep fried turkey would be ready to go in about 10 minutes....

    I only had a MEAT-FEST when me and my boys only brought meat for thanksgiving but we damn near had everything and it really just turned into a reason to BBQ.

  2. I like fried turkey too but people always fry some fish and shrimp with it.
    I like that I get some Que in the Winter so I hope more people continue to smoke their turkeys.

  3. I'm down with fried turkey, I had that for Thanksgiving.

    For Christmas this year the wife made gumbo...I was very happy with that choice.

    By the way, how do you know that those tamales weren't stuffed with dog?
